Sustainability: Our customers save 7.2 tonnes of plastic in summer

Sustainability creates economic, environmental and social value, and our customers are making their contribution by signing up to the initiative to reduce waste through our new packaging system. Their orders from April and June for this year’s summer season have already cut plastic use by 7.2 tonnes, surpassing initial expectations. In this sense, end users will be enjoying holidays with a more sustainable touch.

Our commitment to the environment and the sustainability includes reducing plastic use in how we package our items. As already stated, a 60% cut to annual use is planned, saving over 23 tonnes of plastic per year, from 37.5 to 14.5 tonnes.

Our previous packaging used plastic bags for packs of two, five and ten items which were then inserted into cardboard boxes to protect them from the external elements. However, for months now, we have progressively replaced these multi-bags for a single one made from 100% recycled plastic. This is located inside the box where the items are placed.

Resuinsa has been implementing policies to promote the development of sustainable industry for many years now. We already use cardboard boxes made from recycled material which, in turn, can also be recycled themselves. We have also introduced rational waste policies, minimising water, paper and energy use, and have installed the necessary tools to prevent pollution.

Top STeP certification rating

We are the first company in the hospitality sector and one of the few in other fields to have been awarded STeP certification. This scheme guarantees sustainable production through the permanent implementation of processes that do not harm the environment or affect health and safety, and ensure optimal working conditions.

The STeP certificate also ensures international compatibility through the OEKO-TEX® association. Moreover, we were awarded level-3 status—the top score for compliance with sustainable production.