Research, development and innovation are the pillars of Resuinsa. The tendency towards Smart Textiles and the introduction of new technologies are becoming increasingly important. In this aspect, we are pioneers in the field, through projects for the traceability of the product and stock management and control through RFID technology.


Our R&D&i team works ceaselessly on new developments from a highly technological approach. We are permanently working on improvements at every production stage, management and use of our products in cooperation with outside entities such as AITEX (Textile Industry Research Association in Spain), CDTI (Industrial Technology Development Centre), with additional European funding or with the company’s own funds.


We have recently been awarded the “innovative SME” seal, issued by the Spanish Ministry of science, innovation and universities, which regards innovation as one of the essential agents in a country’s economic growth, and awards this seal to companies in recognition for their innovative character in their growth and expansion strategies.


Resuinsa has completed the R&D&i project which it started in 2015 IDI-20150999 “INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO DE ARTÍCULOS TEXTILES DE ALTO VALOR AÑADIDO PARA HOSTELERÍA” for developing innovative linen products for its industry.


The project has obtained a partially refundable aid via the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI). This is the public business entity responsible for the management and development of the technological innovation policy of the Ministry of science, innovation and universities. Such aid is cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) via the Pluri-regional Operational Programme for Smart Growth 2014-2010.


The objective of the project has been the research of materials and the technologies needed to develop innovative linen products for the industry to provide them with new capabilities and a high added value. To do so, two different lines of research have been conducted.


The first line of research has consisted in the development of products for the industry that integrate into its structure functional textile indicators that allow for traceability and standardization of the industrial laundry.


The second line of research has involved the development of linen products for this industry which feature new functionalities of high added value by obtaining and optimizing special textile finishes. In particular, linen products with a high degree of performance and ease of maintenance have been researched and developed, with finishes in which the appearance of wrinkles is reduced as well as easy-care or soil-release finishes.


Furthermore, a protocol and a methodology for the identification and proper disposal of initial sizings have been developed; and lastly, new solutions for coating or lamination with waterproof and breathable properties have been also researched and developed.



Get to know our R&D&i project on RFID technology applied on textile products, which offers traceability of each textile item.